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If you feel like everything you try never works, don’t worry.. you’re not broken and there is hope!

If you’ve been doing the same diet for years and years and nothing has changed, it’s time to try something different. 

Below is a small sample of some of the people we have helped!


    31 - Tampa Florida

    For years I struggled with my relationship with food. One week I would feel good and be consistently working out. Then the very next I’d go days not being able to workout, be up all night physically sick to my stomach and constantly worried that everything I ate/drank was against me. It was added stress. I was gaining weight and felt bloated all the time. My confidence was down. I had so many questions and no answers. I didn’t turn to the fad diets constantly being promoted or the at home allergy test kits all over the Internet, I reached out to Brooke. And it was one of the best things I could have done for myself! She truly listened to my frustrations and goals and knew exactly the right strategy. We were able to come up with a personalize plan -tracking marcos and reverse dieting. Within weeks, I was feeling more energized, less bloated. The frequency of my stomach flare ups deceased and my confidence increased. I lost weight and ate what I wanted. Added bonus, my skin has been so clear! Brooke will be your biggest cheerleader, your problem-solver and best teacher. She’s given me the tools and taught me a sustainable way to eat. Thanks to her guidance, food doesn’t rule my life anymore. I’m able to focus on other, more important parts of my life.


      24 - Tampa FL

      My whole life I have struggled with my eating habits. It seemed like I was always under eating or overeating. I could never find the balance between eating what nourished my body but also “fun” for me to eat until I met Brooke. She helped me find that healthy balance and gave me the confidence to trust myself with my eating choices. Since I started working with her, I am a much happier, more energetic and confident person. I’ve lost weight while eating my favorite foods, which is something I never thought was possible! I’ve even noticed a positive change in my skin since incorporating the right nutrients my body needs. I can’t thank her enough for being the perfect mix of a coach that pushes me but also is understanding and comforting.


        32 - Tampa FL

        Brooke doesn’t work with you on a diet, she works with you on a sustainable lifestyle change that allows you to keep living an enjoyable life (including food and drink!). I always thought I was a super healthy eater, but Brooke helped me find ample opportunity for improvement. She helped me increase my protein intake considerably and always had ideas for new food options that would fit my macro needs. I am so glad I found Brooke and feel exponentially better and more confident about my body after our time together.


          31 - New Port Richey FL

          i have been working with Brooke since August of 2021. I have lost a total of 8 pounds and went down about two pants sizes. Brooke has found a way to make it easier to eat the things I want, and still lose weight. I have stopped with countless hours of cardio, and under eating. I have finally found a routine for living a consistent life! Thank you Brooke, for everything you have done to help me!!


            32 - Tampa FL

            I would absolutely recommend working with Brooke to any of my friends or family. After only 3 months I have lost 10lbs and gained a friend. Brooke is an incredible motivator with an empathetic heart. She is dynamic in her approach and all knowing in her craft. I came to Brooke after a difficult life event. I needed both physical and emotional healing and she was generous to offer help with both. It has taken two years and hiring help to finally get back to my pre-pregnancy weight but I am unbelievably glad that I finally decided I was worth it and took the plunge. For the first time in my life, losing weight wasn’t all that hard. My plan was custom to my needs and flexible during events. I cannot sing Brooke’s praises loud enough. If you are thinking about it, just do it. You will feel so much better. PS: She didn’t make me cut out wine.


              46 - Clearwater FL

              If you had told me a few months ago that I could eat MORE food, ADD carbs and fats to my diet, still ENJOY my favorite adult beverage and LOSE weight, I would say you were crazy. But it's true. My husband and I started Nutrition coaching with Brooke in June 2021. I wasn’t heavy, but as I got older, my metabolism slowed down and I didn't have much energy, even though I worked out several days a week. I engaged Brooke's help because I wanted to lose a few lbs, eat a more balanced diet and become knowledgeable to make good eating decisions. While you still have to put in the time and dedication, I believe that macro counting is a sustainable lifestyle change. Once you get used to tracking and planning your meals, you realize the freedom within the framework- you choose how you want to spend your targets each day. So, you're not necessarily limiting or keeping yourself from foods that you love. I also realized that there is an unfair perception that carbs are evil. That’s not the case, and along with protein, all three serve a very important role in your health. Brooke was great in educating me and helping me overcome food myths and learn that I can eat better and feel fuller while still achieving my weight loss goals. In ~4 months, i am at my target weight and even more importantly, i feel food about how i look and i am eating better than i ever have in my entire life. If you want to transform your diet, I highly recommend coaching with Brooke!


                31 - Brandon FL

                I started with Brooke in June 2021 and it has truly changed my life. Something had to give because I couldn't keep up with my 15 month old at the time. I was so frustrated with my body and it was taking a toll on my mental state. 6 months in with Brooke andI am down 20 lbs and I have never felt better about myself. It really isn't just all about weight loss with Brooke, she has taught me priceless knowledge about nutrition and overall health that I can carry with me forever. I NEVER knew that I could eat the things I love and still reach my weight loss goals. Brooke is not only top notch in her field but an amazing human being.

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